A legfontosabb shortcutok a különféle programokhoz.
Mik is?
Firefox, Gmail, Google Reader, Windows (überkirály tipp, ami az asztalon lévő ikonok billenytűkombinácinak beállításáról szól), MacOS, Excel, Word, Internet Explorer, Outlook.…
Igazából nincs is mit kiemelni. Olyan cikkeke, amik vagy minden szava érdekes, vagy egyetlen egy sem. Imhun a linkek.
Halliburton. Cut corners to save time and money when the
outcome is mainly for show anyway. If it looks good, it is good. It’s easier
to manufacture excuses than results.
Nuke.XML. Split your RSS feeds into two lists: those that
help boost your productivity vs. those that…
Super Slow. Commit yourself to working on a particularly
hideous project for just one session a week, 15-30 minutes total. Declutter one
small shelf. Purge 10 clothing items you don’t need. Write a few paragraphs.
Then stop.
Dailies. Schedule a specific time each day for…
Nuke it! The most efficient way to get through a task is to delete it. If it doesn’t need to be done, get it off your to do list.
Daily goals. Without a clear focus, it’s too easy to succumb to distractions. Set targets for each day in advance. Decide what you’ll do; then do it.