Motivate Yourself
Find your mission
Replace negative self-talk with positive one
Have fun
Change your work environment
Prepare Yourself
Find your strengths
Find your role models
Find partners
Prevent problems through planning
Be informed
Keep your mind clear of stuff
Calm your mind
Equip Yourself
Build your personal knowledge base
Master Google-fu
Master your tools
Manage Your Energy
Find your peak time
Manage Your Workflow
Determine never to be idle
Focus on actionable ideas
Batch similar tasks
Apply 80/20 principle
Set a deadline
Befriend “good enough”
Measure how you do things
Optimize your routines
Automate your routines
Optimize Your Working Session
Do ultradian sprint
Set a minimum time to start on a task and don’t stop before time is up
Think like a lazy person
Break a task into small steps and do them one at a time
Reward yourself often
Do unpleasant tasks first
Get the first draft out as soon as possible
Befriend checklists
Backup your work
Extract - 36 Proven Tips to Increase Your Productivity
2009.05.14. 17:56 takacsot
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