To do a good job — to create a good product on time and on budget — you need a team of true professionals.
Kérdések egy managernek:
- How do we you make project decisions? Can you give me an example?
- What happens at the end of the project? or Do you ever have crunch time at the end of the project? What do you do?
- When was the last time you had a one-on-one with any of your staff (for a manager or project manager)?
- How do you do career development?
És fejlesztő mit is kérdezne:
- If I want to buy something like a book or a tool, how does the process work (how hard is it?). What's the cost limit before the approval must go up the management chain?
- What's the noise level like during the day?
- How many meetings am I expected to attend, and how long do they usually last?
- Is there a dress code?
- Can I work from home sometimes?
- Does it matter when I work, as long as I come to meetings?
- How many projects have succeeded/failed in the last five years? To what do you attribute the failures?